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Simcad Pro Advanced
Simcad Pro : next generation dynamic simulator operates under an entirely different paradigm than traditional static tools. The graphical interface used to build models does not generate or compile code since it interfaces directly with the multi-core simulation engine.
Simcad Pro : next generation dynamic simulator operates under an entirely different paradigm than traditional static tools. The graphical interface used to build models does not generate or compile code since it interfaces directly with the multi-core simulation engine. When the simulation starts, the animation instantly displays, both in 2D and 3D, the current state of the engine. As inefficiencies develop, real time modifications can be made to model properties and constraints. These “on-the-fly” changes allow users to instantly realize potential gains and perform dynamic optimization. As a result of the no-codemodeling, Simcad Pro’s dynamic capability drastically reduces the time required to build, analyze, and optimize simulation models. Simulation modeling is no longer the forte of the elite few, but a tool used by a vast spectrum of users enabling industries to benefit from the power of dynamic simulation.
Contains all Simcad Pro® capabilities plus the following
- Integrated 3D Visualization and basic model animation
- Import 2D and 3D CAD files
- Support for Continuous flow simulation. Tanks, Fluids, etc.
- Advanced SimData Interface with auto distribution fitting and model import
- Enhanced dashboards and dynamic charts
- Detailed historical simulation graphing and analysis
- Weight and volume based buffers, capacities, and assemblies
- Rate based process and conveyor timing
- Advanced arrival rate definition
- Advanced Conveyors: Manual, Push, Automated, Acceleration, with dynamic capacity and spacing
- External Library/Modules
- Lean Analysis, OEE computation, Spaghetti diagrams, and Flow Analysis
- Dynamic Value Stream Map generation and updates.
- Support for multiple Costing models
- Built in Annotation support
- Quick access menus and custom values with mouse Hover (Processes and Objects)
- Integrated Scenario management, analysis and comparison
- Build in Monte Carlo simulation and analyis
- Support for custom Lead Time computation for different flow segments
- Schedule/Gantt Chart and Path Analysis
- Built in Custom Data Fitting and distributions
- Internal Data Lookup – (Limited to one Section)
- Work Order/Schedule Optimization
- Integrated Predictive Optimization